Hearing aid frequently asked questions
Why Should I Come To Suburban Audiology, LLC For My Hearing Aids?
- Qualified Licensed Audiologist trained on the diagnosis of hearing loss, the overall hearing system, a multitude of hearing aids, and when to refer you to a physician for further medical care
- Highly advanced hearing aids sourced from reputable manufacturers which provide hearing amplification and have tinnitus or noise canceling systems
- The latest advanced hearing aids in all price ranges to fit your budget – Easy transfer of care to and ENT physician if there are any medical concerns with your ear, nose, or throat
- Full diagnostic audiological testing when needed including air and bone conduction, tympanometry, impedance testing, and speech testing to provide you with the correct medical diagnosis and care you need. This will also assist when deciding which hearing aid is the best option for you and what hearing aid features are appropriate for you
- Real ear measurements to verify the hearing aid is measuring up to your specific “target goal” based on your hearing test results
- A 45 day trial period, free follow-up services, free programming, and free repairs to make sure you are satisfied with your new hearing aids
Why Should I Consider Not Going To A Mass Distributor Of Hearing Aids?
- Some of the hearing aid features may be removed from the hearing aids including tinnitus and background noise cancelling software. These will be made unavailable to you
- Some of the hearing aids software may be “locked” and this can prevent the user from going to another facility for adjustments/repairs
- Some facilities choose to use “hearing instrument experts” instead of licensed qualified Audiologists.
- Audiologists have advanced training and superior knowledge on how the complete hearing system works, when to refer to a medical professional, how hearing aids work, and which hearing aid is appropriate for you
- Specific key tests will most likely not be performed such as measuring the function of the middle ear (tympanometry) and also real ear measurement / verification; which shows how the hearing aid is measuring up to your specific “target goal” based on your hearing test results
Things To Consider When Purchasing An Over-The-Counter Hearing Aid?
- Over-the-counter hearing aids are only recommended for adults over the age of 18 years with a mild to moderate hearing loss
- Over-the-counter hearing aids are not prescribed by a licensed Physician or Audiologist
- You should rule out treatable or serious medical reasons for your hearing loss by a medical professional such as a licensed Physician or Audiologist before purchasing a hearing aid. Is it wax, an ear infection, or something wrong with your middle or inner ear?
- Over-the-counter hearing aids can’t be programmed to your specific hearing loss. They may only have a volume or tone control
- There is no assistance if you are having trouble with your over-the-counter hearing aid. There is no help with repairs, Bluetooth connections, programming, or someone just to answer your questions
- Hearing Aids/Audiology